Monday, 5 May 2014

A masti trip that was forgot

After a long time I am back to my blog.When I saw school photos today I saw some pics  which we forgot.Those photos were taken during our to Haiiland. we guys even forgot our trip.ther,s an interesting news about this trip we made a little war to bring this trip.At that time our princy was opposing for picnic and she also wanted to complete the of next year also.This not a good sign.Unfortunately that bad sign was shown to us as we r the students who r going to class 10 next year.This made a minor rebel in our school.At last our princy came down and said there will be another trip next year for our dear students.Then our rebals came down.Uchhhhhhhhh what to say at that time we thought this would be remembered for ever but this little huge real story also been vanished from our minds.

Now its time to see some of our pics